"Do I have to give up pizza and wine?" A Health Coaching Client Story

Are you up for a quick story?

It’s a good one, I promise!

I had a health coaching client, let’s call her Marie, a Mother of 3 who worked at a high-stress office job who had yo-yo dieted her entire life & always put herself last.
“I need big results…I need to lose lbs, start taking better care of myself & caring about myself more…fitting in my real work clothes (aka not leggings). I need an overhaul. Okay?”

“So, let me guess-you want me to give up my coffee, never have my red wine again, say no to friday pizza nights, exercise every morning before work, & what-eat 1200 calories a day?” (with an eye-roll)

If you know me, you know this description is quite the opposite of my coaching style. The all-or-nothing approach w/ giant changes, all at once, in an attempt to get massive, sexy, fast ”results” rarely ever works, & if it does it is temporary, certainly not a maintainable lifestyle.

“Actually, you can still have your friday 🍕 nights, & 🍷, & we will not be counting calories…we will be nourishing your body & mind, focusing on small, consistent changes that will lead you to these big results you’re looking for, in a way that SUPPORTS your body rather than punishes it.”

📆 6 mo. later, want to know what happened to her?

She enjoyed her 🍷 & 🍕 fridays & the quality family time that it came w/, prioritized real whole foods full of nutrients, found joy in a morning self care care ritual, slept like a baby, laughed more, learned easy healthy recipes she made for her family, fit into her “real” work clothes, lost 33+ lbs & much more!

“Wow!” she said at every coaching session. She could not believe how good she was feeling.

How awesome is her transformation?

And, even more awesome is I have 100s of stories just like hers!

As it turns out, small consistent habits lead to big results. ✔️


In my 12+ years experience, it works better than anything else.

SO, what does this mean for you?

If simple, practical habits that fit into your busy lifestyle sound good to you, let’s chat. 🎯

I guarantee it. You’ve got nothing to lose (…except the bloat, extra pounds, fatigue, cravings, negative self talk, foggy mind, old habits, etc)

The time is now for you to make a change, you deserve it!

>>> If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels, running on empty, and get the support and accountability you deserve, book a complimentary call with me today. I know exactly how to help you!

P.S Our Women’s Wellness Club has the most incredible, inspiring women inside! It is your chance to PRIORITIZE YOURSELF with this like-no-other community filled with support and accountability! This group could not be more special. To join click here! You belong here!