Real Hydration: More Than Just Water

boston health and wellness nurse coach

Many of my clients have been asking about hydration lately. “Am I drinking enough water?” “Should I drink more?” “I don’t want my kids to get dehydrated.

Staying hydrated is a hot topic especially this time of year! These warm days can put us at risk for dehydration and we may need to do more than just drink water. 

Proper hydration, called “cellular hydration” means having adequate fluids present in your body for all of our cells to work their magic. This depends on many factors, including getting the right amount of electrolytes, which are minerals that regulate fluid balance and many other vital body functions.

Many people drink plenty of water but don’t replenish electrolytes, leaving them at risk for electrolyte imbalances or deficiencies, which can cause symptoms like headaches, cramps, fatigue, weakness, and cravings (our bodies way of trying to get us to consume more of these electrolytes). Additionally, nursing mothers are often low on electrolytes, and studies show that optimizing electrolytes can also improve milk supply.

Electrolytes are found in the food we eat, but many people don’t get enough with their typical diet (especially with consuming a lot of highly processed foods).

Magnesium, sodium, and potassium are three of the most helpful. Here’s the breakdown:

600mg of magnesium

5000 mg of sodium

4700 mg of potassium

Studies show that these are the recommended amounts that our bodies need each day to function at its best. To meet these daily needs (which many of us don’t) and support hydration, I always recommend including a variety of real, whole foods that are nutrient dense in your diet each day to ensure you’re getting sufficient amounts.

boston health and wellness nurse coach

Foods high in magnesium: almonds, pumpkin seeds, spinach, sunflower seeds, , dark chocolate

Foods high in potassium: avocado, salmon, lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes

In terms of sodium, real, whole foods are naturally low in sodium.  Therefore, we have to supplement with salting our foods. I recommend an unrefined salt because it is organically rich in minerals.  This is my favorite + Use Code NWW for 15% off.

If you need to fill in the gaps with your diet, I recommend supplementing with electrolytes.  Unflavored, sugar free electrolyte powder is available to mix in water (this one is my favorite + Use Code NWW for 15% off!) or you can make your own. Making sure we are getting these essential electrolytes, allows each of our body systems to functional optimally, which improves our overall health and wellbeing!

If you enjoy these tips, you will love my Fall into Wellness 5-Day Reset  where you will beat the burnout, boost energy, and hit the reset button! This will sell out, so click here sign up now!

 >>> Tell me below, how will you commit to improving your hydration today?